Thursday, July 16, 2009

Be Still in Peace

"Rejoice, rejoice. I have much to teach you. Think not that I withhold My Presence when I do not reveal more of My Truth to you. You are passing through a storm. Enough that I am with you to say 'Peace be Still', to quiet both winds and waves. It was on the quiet mountain slopes that I taught My disciples the Truths of My Kingdom, not during the storm. So with you, the time of the mountain slope will come, and you will rest with Me and learn." (God Calling)

I love this reading from the book "God Calling". It reminds me that in my times of peace, after the storm, that God will reveal His Truth to me. I surely need that reminder because during the storm I am often asking God, "why me?", or "why now?", even though I do know that I am given His Truths after the storm has passed. Almost inevitably, He teaches me something new after I have given my trouble to him.

Today I am grateful that God gives me His Truths of His Kingdom after the storm when I can be still to listen and learn during the peace that only He gives me!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Patiently Suffer

"O Lord, let that become possible to me by grace, which by nature seemeth to me impossible. Thou knowest that I am able to suffer but little, and that I am quickly cast down, when a slight adversity ariseth. For Thy Name's sake, let every exercise of tribulation be made lovable and desirable to me; for to suffer and to be disquieted for Thy sake is very wholesome for my soul." (The Imitation of Christ)

The above is a prayer for the patient endurance of suffering. The reading "Of the Endurance of Injuries, and Who Is Approved to Be Truly Patient", teaches one in adversity "to consider Christ's Passion and the sufferings of other holy men" to see in comparison how little our sufferings truly are and to better prepare us to bear our own tribulations. When we feel our troubles are great it is usually because our patience is little.

To say "I cannot endure to suffer these things at the hands of this man, nor ought I endure things of this sort" dismisses the virtue of patience and causes us to assess another and the injuries. A truly patient man is prepared to accept any adverse action and take it "thankfully as from the hand of God and esteem it a great gain".

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Harmony Within

"You must not expect to live in a world where all is harmony. You must not expect to live where others are in unbroken accord with you. It is your task to maintain your own heart peace in adverse circumstances. Harmony is always yours when you strain your ear to catch Heaven's music. Doubt always your power or wisdom to put things right; ask Me to right all as you leave it to Me, and go on your way loving and laughing. I am Wisdom. Only my Wisdom can rightly decide anything--settle any problem. So rely on Me. All is well. ( "God Calling")"

I often read daily meditations from the book, God Calling,. I read the above this morning and its message rang clearly...helping me to give a problem that I have had for a several months to God to settle. I have been judging another based on how they do or do not treat me and it has affected my "heart peace." Only after doing some writing to look at my part in this situation, I realized that what has really been affecting my inner peace is that I was judging another simply because I did not like the way they treated me. The truth is they are also a child of God, as each of us is, and I realize that only God's Wisdom can right the problem. In doing this, I ask God to forgive me for judging another and I know that the problem will be handled by He that has all wisdom...all is well!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

His Presence

His Presence (by Melissa Webb)

I see His presence when morning rises,
the morning dew his tears of gladness.
I hear His voice when birds are singing,
the birds song his words of jubilance.
I pray His love and forgiveness when night has fallen,
the night his time of my reverence.
I feel His love when friends are near,
the friends, his gifts of joyfulness.

I wish for each of you a joyful Easter filled with gladness, jubilance and reverence as we celebrate the rising of Jesus Christ and His everlasting love and eternal life.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Love and Laughter

"Be calm, be true, be quiet. I watch over you. Rest in My Love. Joy in the very Beauty of Holiness. You are mine. Deliverance is here for you, but Thankfulness and Joy open the gates. Try in all things to be very glad, very happy, very thankful. It is not to quiet resignation I give my blessings, but to joyful acceptance and anticipation. Laughter is the outward expression of Joy. That is why I urge upon you Love and Laughter." From the book "God Calling".

I have learned that having thankfulness and acceptance of all things in my life is the only true way of happiness and joy in this worldly life. It is not always easy to be so when parts of life are hard or sad and there are times when I find it difficult to be thankful for what I have. Nonetheless, I find that when I am thankful, even for the rough roads, I do find an inner joy that heals the wounds upon me. To love and to laugh makes my life joyful and, therefore, thankfulness seems to come naturally.

Today I am grateful to know how to love and laugh and to be thankful and joyful.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Peace Through Humility

"Esteem not thyself better than others, lest perhaps in the sight of God, who knoweth what is in man, thou be accounted worst than they. Be not proud of good works, for the judgments of God are different from the judgments of men, and that often offendeth Him which pleaseth man. If there be any good in thee, believe better things of others, that so thou mayest preserve humility. It doth no hurt to thee to set thyself lower than all men, but it hurteth thee exceedingly if thou set thyself before even one man.Continual peace is with the humble; but in the heart of the proud is envy and frequent indignation." Thomas a Kempis

A dear friend of mine, Petey, gave me this wonderful little book, Imitation of Christ, by Thomas a Kempis, and I find great comfort and peace from the above reading. What I find so comforting is that I can refrain from the temptations of this world to be the best and the brightest of my fellows and,therefore, need not put myself above any other. I can, however, become the best and brightest Light if I allow myself to be humble within His will and try to love, as He does, every soul that I find myself amongst.

Today I am grateful that the greater my humility the greater my peace shall be.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

All Is Well

"Remember My Words to My Disciples. 'This kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting.' Can you tread the way I trod? Can you drink of My cup? 'All is well.' Say always, 'All is well.' Long though the way may seem, there is not one inch too much, I, your Lord, am not only with you on the journey--I planned, and am planning the journey. There are Joys unspeakable in the way you go. Courage--Courage--Courage."

I simply love this meditation from "God Calling". It helps me so on my way to wherever I shall go. I know that I can trod the road by simply saying "All is Well". My prayer is that I only go any way through His will and by His love with courage that only He shall give me. My path my be long and winding, but through Him I can always trod the road joyfully.

Today, I am grateful that He has planned and continues to plan my journey!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Redeemer of My Soul

The Redeemer of My Soul
(by Melissa Webb)

There are times during the stillness of night
when I feel my life has truly been a waste.
I know without Your loving grace,
Your beautiful light, I would not rise.

The warmth You give overwhelms me with fear,
fills my heart with everlasting love.
Reminding me I truly owe my life,
my very soul, to You forever.

The mere thought of Your everlasting love
surrounds me with a wonderful joy.
I pray Your greatness will be know by all,
The redeemer of my life, my very soul.

Today I am thankful to the Redeemer of my soul and His loving grace, everlasting love and wonderful joy!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Inward Peace

"Be desirous, My son, to do the will of another rather than thine own. Choose always to have less rather than more. Seek always the lower place, and to be inferior to every one. Wish always, and pray, that the will of God be wholly done in thee. Behold, such a man entereth within the borders of peace and rest." Thomas a Kempis - Imitation of Christ.

This is one of my favorite readings. I cannot take credit for always obeying these four simple ways of having inward peace. However, when I do continually strive to follow these callings I do find great peace and rest. Whenever I find disquiet within myself I know that I have strayed to the callings of self will rather than that of God. I reflect on the above reading and can almost immediately see where I have failed to do the above. Only through the grace of God can I readjust my thoughts and actions to follow these four things and regain that inward peace that gives me rest in His loving arms.

Today I am grateful for the simple ways to find peace rather than the callings of worldly thoughts and actions.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Calmness of the Storm

"O let me hear Thee speaking
In accents clear and still,
Above the storms of passion,
The murmurs of self-will.

O speak to reassure me,
To hasten, or control;
O speak and make me listen,
Thou Guardian of my soul."

The above came from a reading in my favorite book "God Calling". The reading is about how "all sacrifice and suffering is redemptive'; that His plan is perfect and all that we sacrifice and suffer is not by chance, but is to teach us or to be used to help others. I know for me, this is often hard to accept. However, I also know that when I see others suffer, or myself, all that I can do is to go to Christ and ask Him to embrace us, heal us, and show us His loving Light. I do not always hear him in the midst of my self will; however I know that he will quiet the storm so that I can listen and know that he is the 'Guardian of my soul' and of others. Only He can speak to us in the sufferings we bear.

Today I am grateful that I can go to Him and hear the calmness of the storm.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Always Calm

"In quietness and in calmness shall be your strength" Isaiah 30:15

I was reading this morning from one of my favorite meditation books, God Calling, about how being calm will build good and at the same time destroy evil. The reading says in the face of difficulty or evil..."always first be still and know that I am God. Then act only as I tell you. Always calm with God. Calm is trust in action. Only trust, perfect trust can keep one calm." It also says to not be afraid of the circumstances that help us cultivate calmness. I know that in my own action(s) I can do nothing, but if I am quiet in stillness I am guided into the right action...fear dissolves and calmness overcomes the storm.

For me..."to be still and know that I am God" usally all I need in times of difficulty or fear and it gives me a great feeling of calmness and peace knowing that I am with God, trusting and knowing, that he will give me the right direction.

Today I am grateful to know the strength of quietness and calmness.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


I watched the video (shown below) about awakening and I was given a powerful message that reminded me that each day is a time to awaken to the Christ spirit that is within each of us. A new day to let go of what you thought you were and to allow the Light of Christ within to shine on a new day...a new love, new joy, new guide you into new awakenings of the Divine Spirit that dwells in each of us.

My everyday experiences and memories of the past can affect my inner love, joy and peace in negative ways if I allow them to and many times I do. But each day I am given the opportunity to 'drop the armor' of yesterday and awaken to great and vast new experiences of who I am meant to be...the Christ image within reflecting love, joy and peace to all. If I allow myself to breathe in new life and exhale old life; new experiences surround me and I am given new opportunities be me!

Today I am grateful for being able to breathe...and for that I am grateful.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Perfect Light

I read and meditated today, again from a reading by CS Lewis, 'The Joyful Christian', about perfection. He talks about when we ask God into our lives for something specific He will grant it to us or cure our ailment. Although that may be all we ask of Him, He will give us "the full treatment"...He will make us perfect unless through our free will we push Him away. In His effort to render us into absolute perfection, and whatever it may cost us in our earthly life, He will not rest or let us rest until His Father can say He is well pleased with us...this He can do and He will do nothing less.

For a long time I was afraid to commit myself unto the Lord for fear of failure. Today I know that I can never achieve perfection through my own will. Only through him will I achieve absolute perfection...and nothing less. Yes I will stumble and fall, but He will always pick me up and only I can prevent my progress into the Perfect Light.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Spring Is In The Air

Although it is still about four weeks until spring is officially here, I am looking forward to new growth in not only the trees, grass and flowers, but also in myself. I read this morning from CS Lewis, "The Joyful Christian", about how we sometimes long for the first fervor of our christian conversion and are disappointed and sometimes remorseful that we do not feel that way anymore. In essence, he said that they are simply memories and if we only except them as that they will nourish us. He says the bulb is planted and if we leave it alone the flowers will bloom; but if we dig them up and fondle and sniff them hoping to get last year's bloom nothing will happen.

I have been guilty of this in the past...wondering why I don't feel that same awesome warmth and joy I have felt many times in the past. Today I realize that as long as I feed and water the seed, great "new" flowers will bloom! For that I am grateful

Monday, February 9, 2009

Keeping The Peace

'First keep the Peace within yourself, then you can also bring Peace to others.'
-Thomas A. Kempis

I have been sitting here for a couple of hours contemplating God's Love and a great sense of peace came over me. It always does when I really take the time to experience how infinite His Love is and what He has done not only in my life but in the life of others. I think about all living things in His universe and I am truly filled with awe...He cares for every living thing and sees that all are taken care of...the birds are fed, the flowers and trees are watered, the earth is renewed by the leaves that fall...He does it all! His Universe is at Peace and through it we finite human beings are given the opportunity to find Peace within ourselves.

Today I am grateful for the leaves that have fallen in my life...for they have renewed my soul!

Saturday, February 7, 2009


I love days like today...with lots of sunlight and somewhat of a chill in the air. I love to just sit outside in the sunlight and feel it warm me all over. As a young teen I used to love to go in our backyard and lay in the swing, eyes closed and swinging only slightly, and feel the warmth of the sunlight. I would feel this great sensation. Winter can be harsh on my spirit because of the lack of sunlight and I struggle with depressive moods. A day like today reminds me of His Light and how when I am chilled with loneliness His Light will always warm and guide me into wonderful reflections of love. Today I know that His light, like the sunlight, fills me with love, peace and harmony and I am so very grateful for His Light.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Missing Laughter

Today I was missing my friend Petey. It just seemed to come suddenly...I had the urge to call and hear her laughter...but then I could not because she has gone. Oh how I miss the wonderful laugh, the talks we used to have and the light that shines from her eyes. She always told me that laughter heals as does the light. Some days are just harder to realize that she is not physically with us anymore. But I, and all that knew and loved her, know her presence is here and that her light will always shine on us. Today I missed her laughter.

Monday, February 2, 2009

My Deepest Fear

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that
most frightens us." Nelson Mandela

When I read this quote this morning, I was astonished! I have always
been a fearful person. Several years ago I began looking at my fears to
help me better understand myself. I found that fear touched every
aspect of my life and that self reliance was the problem. When I read
the above quote this morning the revelation was astonishing--why didn't
I realize this before? It is that inner light--the Light of
Christ--that I fear the most! Now I can long as I allow
the Light to shine from within me, that awe..ful fear does diminish. I
have known for along time that as long as I allow the light within me
shine the darkness cannot enter. Today I realize my fear is not because
of my inadequacy, but because of the power of the Light within me.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

The True Light

"That was the true light, which enlightens every man coming into the world." (John 1:9)

When I looked up the definition of "light" in Merriam-Webster I saw that it is used as a noun, adjective and verb and it means "something that makes vision possible; spiritual illumination; public information; something that enlightens or informs; a medium (as a window) through which light is admitted; a set of principles, standards or opinions".

As a small child, about four or five, I seemed to have this innate knowledge of what was right and wrong and I was very fearful. I can remember thinking (or perhaps knowing) that someone was watching everything I did, thought and said--as if I were on television. I thought I was fearful of doing, thinking or saying something that was against the knowledge I had of what was right. At this age I knew very little about Jesus except that he loved me; and about the age of eight I had this fear of God. I also know there is false light which is darkness and comes from Satan; however it can only enter if I diminish the true light by seeking my will rather that God's will.

Today I realize that the light of Christ is within each of us, good or bad, and guides us into becoming beacons to help others to find his love, joy and mercy. The light of Christ within us is so powerful that nothing we do can completely extinguish the light--there is always a glimmer... always a hope of finding that inner light we had as small children. I also know today God is loving, forgiving and all merciful.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Words of Truth

After I wrote the poem "The Light", I was amazed---where did these words, this wisdom, this proclamation come from...surely not from me...not from my mind? I then realized that they came from my heart (my God conscience) . Even though I was amazed at the words I had written I knew them to be the truth of my inner core...that knowledge I had as a small child...that fear I have had most of my adult life. I began my journey, my search for truth when I was 18 and from reading many, many books, including the Bible, I had never gained such truth as those few words had given me. My whole life took on a new share the love the Light had shone upon let the wonder of its aura shine from within me. Several years later that inner light diminished and darkness began to enter into my being...a darkness so great I could not see a shimmer of light. It was the worst time of my life. Why...because of that fear of the power within me--the Light of Christ. You see I had started trying to live my will rather than that of God and the light faded and darkness entered my heart and soul. It was a journey that I had to endure alone; oh God was with me all the time but I had to walk in darkness to find the Light again. However, the Light of Christ, which is within each of us, is like a beacon that guides the ship in the darkness until it finds its way home. Today I am grateful for the words of truth!

"While you have light, believe in the light, that you may become children of the light." (John 12:36)

Monday, January 26, 2009

The Light of My Soul

I am creating this blog to share my poetry. The name of my site, "The Light of My Soul", was inspired by the first poem I share, "The Light", which I wrote some 25 years ago at a turning point in my life in which I realized the full impact of Christ's Light in my life. My hope is that this will be an avenue to continue my thoughts in prose and to share the grace God has given me. I have many loved ones and friends that have brought the Light into my life. I want to thank my loving parents, Melvin and Reba , for their guiding hands and enduring love, and my dear twin sister, Gale, and her beautiful family...the light of her children and the innocence of their eyes are the joys of my life. Most importantly, I wish to thank my loving God for He planted the seed of Light within each of us. I wish to also dedicate this site to my Grandparents, Mama and Papa; my Aunts Roberta, Sara and Nan; my Uncles Tony, Willard, Clyde and Laverne; and my dear friends Shelly and Petey. I have lost them all in this lifetime...with many wondrous memories...their Light continues to shine in mine.

The Light (by Melissa Webb)

Seek the shining brightness
Of the everlasting Light
Once you have found it
The warmth will guide you

Follow the Light
For it shall take care of you
When darkness falls
And loneliness closes in

Share the love the Light
Has shone upon you
For its gracious beauty
May be seen by all

Let the wonder of it's aura
Shine from within you
For the strength of the Light
Shall bring harmony unto all
(Inspired by my dear fried, Petey,
and shared with my nephew,
Joshua at age 5)

His Presence (by Melissa Webb)

I see His presence when morning rises,
the morning dew his tears of gladness.
I hear His voice when birds are singing,
the birds song his words of jubilance.
I pray His love and forgiveness when night has fallen,
the night his time of my reverence.
I feel His love when friends are near,
the friends, his gifts of joyfulness.
(Given to my Mother)

The Redeemer of My Soul
(by Melissa Webb)

There are times during the stillness of night
when I feel my life has truly been a waste.
I know without Your loving grace,
Your beautiful light, I would not rise.

The warmth You give overwhelms me with fear,
fills my heart with everlasting love.
Reminding me I truly owe my life,
my very soul, to You forever.

The mere thought of Your everlasting love
surrounds me with a wonderful joy.
I pray Your greatness will be know by all,
The redeemer of my life, my very soul.

A New Beginning (by Melissa Webb)

Where do we go from here
Is there really a new beginning
One in which we can leave the past behind
Or do we take it along with us
And hope to see its light at last

The questions are many, the answers few
I do not wish to mislead you
Or even attempt to persuade
But I cannot deny being afraid
I may take a path going the wrong way

If you feel you must go alone
I'll not ask you to please stay
Only tell you my hand is always there
If you decide to take hold of it
And help one another along the way

If we do find that you must leave
The tears upon my cheek are of gladness
And the feeling within my heart one of joy
For I will know you are among love
Leaving your love for us, with us

Yes, I will miss your presence
Your smile and the tenderness of your eyes
Striving to seek, follow and shine the light
You so graciously shared with me
Praying that I may also be among love

I Must Say Farewell (by Melissa Webb)

I do not want to abandon you
I do still love and care for you
But I can no longer stand by
Helplessly watching you destroy yourself

It is not so much the hurt you cause
That, I can usually sustain
It is more the not caring I explore
For I care far too much not to see the pain

They say I must accept it as you
But I do not, I cannot
I know there must be a reason
And can even contemplate a few

How do I help you, my friend
Do I stay and pretend not to hurt
Do I snap back at you to no avail
No, dear friend, I must say farewell

I had rather leave you now
When my heart still holds love for you
For I know I could not endure
Losing you--and the love I have for you

Mama and Papa (by Melissa Webb)

I did not understand it then
but when I look back I do
realize just how young I was
when I lost the two of you.

I shall never lose those memories
those wonderful summer days filled
with canning fruit and picking watermelons
sitting under the shade of that big oak tree.

The peaceful nights in the country
early to bed, and of course, early to rise
the morning chill in the old farm house
the loving warmth of the wood stove fire.

How I wish I had not been quite so young
because I never thought to ask you
what made you lives so very happy
yet I was not too young to feel the love.
(written in loving memory of my grandparents)

Silver Threads (by Melissa Webb)

Have you ever seen what keeps us together
When times are rough
And the days are like forever
Do you know what keeps the Light shining
When our hearts are in the dark
Beating in time, keeping the rhyme

Silver threads entwine our love
To hold our friendship together
Silver threads flow from heart to heart

No matter where you are, long and far
I know your presence is here
Standing right by my side
But when I feel your loneliness
And know you are blue
I reach out and send a message of love to you

Through those silver threads entwining our love
Holding our friendship together
Silver threads flow from heart to heart

They have been there from the beginning
They will be there forever
For you see, my friend, there shall never be an end
To the silver threads that entwine our love
And hold our friendship together
Silver threads that flow from heart to heart

Silver threads entwine our love
To hold our friendship together
Silver threads forever flow from heart to heart.

The strength of their endurance
Is like a rock of stone
Yet gentle as the petal of a rose
The depth of their caring
Longer than a winding road
Much greater than a heavy load

Silver threads entwine our love
To hold our friendship together
Silver threads forever flow from heart to heart.
(Given to my dear friend Shelly)

Redbird (by Melissa Webb)

Yesterday I saw a Redbird
he was so happy and free,
flying low for all to see
his graceful beauty and dignity.

I remember how you loved
everyone so individually and
how some never knew
it was you warming their heart.

I thought of your contentness
now that you have gone home,
how happy you must feel and
the happiness you gave to us.

I saw him again flying low,
his graceful beauty and dignity,
and remembered you are still here
flying low watching over us.
(written in loving memory of Shelly)

My Heart (by Melissa Webb)

My feelings of appreciation are greater
than I shall ever be able to express.

You held my hand, whispered in my ear,
leading me toward eventually forgiving
and finding myself once again.

My heart again feels the warmth of love
When I had thought it had completely stopped beating.
(Given to my dear friend Petey)

Who Are You (by Melissa Webb)

Who are you, where have you been?
Are you happy, do you love everyone?
Do you ever cry, want to run and hide?
Will I ever know you and who you are?

These are the answers I am searching for
from the lady with the warm glow in her heart.
She gets very close to me, warming me all over,
though I can never seem to get close to her.

She gives her love so free and graciously,
smiling and shining her light till all is well.
Never asking for more than a sincere thank you,
but often receiving so very less.

The Gift (by Melissa Webb)

This gift does not portray
The fragileness of its pages
Nor the weariness of its bound
But the caring nurture it has received
To endure the friendship, love and
Memories of its past.

Given to you today, a portrayal
Of the friendship and love I have for you
Which is strong and
everlastingly within hands reach
So as to endure the many
memories of our tomorrow.
(Given to my dear friend Petey)

Jasmine (by Melissa Webb)

Oh how I do love your intensity so
The beautiful deepness of your eyes
Your frisky playful moods and
The moments when you seem miles away

I admire your determined independence and
The stormy nights when you are right by my side
I adore you gracefulness and
Your never ending expressions of feeling

I respect your desire for a two-way relationship
and your preciseness in seeing that it is
And I will do everything in my power
To see that love does go both ways

For that is the only way to perfect love
And you, my dear, deserve nothing less
For without you, my dear sweet Jasmine,
I know not what I would do with this love of mine
(written to my dog, Jasmine)

Helpless As I (by Melissa Webb)

It hurts me so to see you so sad
when once you were so very happy.
To remember the sparkle your eyes once had...
the absence now truly saddens me.

Cannot I give you more than a moment
of happiness when you deserve so much more.
Will ever I return the sparkling glint
and warm your heart as you have mine.

Have you ever felt as helpless as I...
wanting to, but not knowing how
To return real joy and happiness
to someone you love so much.

Someone who you know loves you so dearly
their life they would give for you.
Someone that you know not how
to give love back to.

Amy (by Melissa Webb)

Your contentness is so serene
Your eyes so very bright
Your smile so full of happiness
Your life so very, very precious.

Stay with us, dear sweet Amy
Share your love with all of us
But most sincerely, little Amy,
Allow all us us to share our love with you.

The love you have given to us
Is so pure and natural
As the twinkle in your eyes
And the smile in your heart.

Live long, dear sweet Amy,
A life of much happiness
filled with the love of you and
The precious love for you.
(written for my friend Janice's
daughter when she was a few
months old...she is now 26)

Refreshing (by Melissa Webb)

Refreshing you say
Is the point of view seen with these eyes
Oh how I wish there were truth
In those careful words you speak

How I wish it were new and innovating
Something I could hold on to
As I try to survive this future I seek
My vision is not new or refreshing

Granted in this situation I am a newborn
Inexperienced in these trials and tribulations
You have endured and maybe even survived
I do see you desperately trying to

Unfortunately, this is merely another avenue for me
To share a love I see as free and real
The opening of a new door for a very old love
That wants to touch your heart with its honesty

Refreshing, no, not really
But I will go on to another way
Gently holding my love as I enter a new door
Crying silently for those of you closing the last door

The doors become much easier to open
It is closing them that I find impossible
Especially when I see what is left locked inside
Weeping quietly to be seen on the outside

Face to Face (by Melissa Webb)

There you stand face to face
Strong and brave as a crippled child's brace
Afraid to move an inch without your crutch
Yet unable to move with your heart holding it

Fearful of crawling to the brightness ahead
Unsure of the struggle you will have
As you take each and every step along the way
trembling of the pain you may perhaps feel

Would not it be easier
To reach out and touch the others hand
And help one another along the way
If perhaps one of you may fall

Had you not rather share the pain
Than feel the lonely coldness
Of the poor crippled child's brace
As you stand there face to face

Who Am I (by Melissa Webb)

Who am I
What is the meaning if my life
Will my Search ever end
Or is it only something to keep me thriving
I hope not
Desperately I need my dream
Wherever it may be

There are many things
I dislike about myself
The thoughts I should never have
Ones that are painful
Because they hurt someone else
I shut them out to no avail
They seem to come from the darkness

Feelings I have that others cannot see
They hurt with tenderness
The simplicity touches my heart
Memories I shall not impart
Souveneirs never to be untreasured
Trinkets of love clutter my thoughts
And are seldom found

Visions of the Past (by Melissa Webb)

Visions reflecting from the waters of the past
bring memories that never fade away.
Winters were so long and summers fast
feelings happy, bright, sad and gray.

There won't be any goodbye tears or tight words
or a heart's laugh it off laughter.
Nor will there be sadness or hurt
for you meant much more, even after.

Days and nights, the together time,
the silent talks and evening records
Shared warmly with coffee and wine;
little things to numerous for words.

Thank you seems small, but appropriate.
Thank you for giving and for taking.

Is It Love (by Melissa Webb)

What is this feeling I cannot express
Is it fear, perhaps truth, or is it love
I suspect it is one consisting of all
One so unique that my head spins
And my heart aches

The beginning was so very innocent
Until the growth was overwhelming
It is good, very good, but is it shared
I dare not seek the answer for the fear

The moments were quiet but so full
Of meaning and memory they spoke aloud
The challenge together scared us both apart
But the reuniting in itself was perhaps truth

The togetherness day and night was too severe
Perhaps the fear and truth had emerged
To entwine the silence, but the emotion
Was not quiet and it was maybe love

Entwined in closeness, hearts beating as one
An eternity has passed in quiet moments
Is it fear, perhaps truth, or maybe love
The entire experience is an expression of feeling

Good Intentions (by Melissa Webb)

To all of you that say "I care'
And those of you that never dare
I do appreciate it...but
Please pardon me if I do not raise a hair
Your good intentions are extremely thoughtful
And I really do not mean to be ungrateful
But...somehow, you see, sometimes
they just are not enough.

Speak Out (by Melissa )

Speak out, speak out
Someone is listening!
Speak out, speak out
Someone will hear!

Don't give up, someone does care
Let it out, someone will lend you a hand
Tell them you are like a thread that is bare
Someone will come...not bury his head in the sand

Speak out, speak out
Someone is listening!
Speak out, speak out
Someone will hear!

They will come, hands outstretched
They will hear, nodding their heads
Give them another chance to understand
Someone will care, and open out his hand

Speak out, speak out
Someone is listening...
Speak out, speak out
Someone will hear...

See You By Three
(by Melissa Webb)

I'll see you by three
If i get straight, and
Find that long and narrow
Path to righteousness
Predicated upon us by
The churches of the land

If I don't see you by three
I'll most likely be late
Christ, Jesus, let's hope
Its not too late before
We convince our brothers
That our hearts are His temple

My Gentle Love (by Melissa Webb)

It seems to happen every time
I find someone I want to love
Please do not feel frightened
It is only me, my sad, gentle love

I am not lost, nor even found
Can you not see our love dying
I did not mean to scare you away
It is only my gentle love you see crying

Please just let me be gentle
Let me rejoice in my loves
Ache in my hurts and pains
I promise never to hurt you, only to love you

I have tried to hide my gentle love
To mask it with a harsh heart
But when I do, do you not know
I cannot feel you loving me

Will Ever I
(by Melissa Webb

When shall the feeling ever return
The one I still remember as ravishing
Even though its memory is still so precious

Has it gone forever into the midnight darkness
Only to be seen in daydream visions
Will ever I feel once again
The trembling joy once felt with you

Will ever I have the contentment after
That I always had with you
Or will I forevermore be seeking
What was only meant to be with you

Will ever I understand and believe
What we had is forever meant to to
Or will I continue to pretend
I never feel the love you have for me

The Bending Trees (by Melissa Webb)

The trees are bending with the wind
My heart is breaking in the end
As the sun sets low one more time
My love is gone, it does not shine

I've said it a hundred times before
But here I am again closing that door
Shutting out those loving memories
Trying not to see those bending trees

The sun is beaming in the morning
My heart is beating in the light
The memories are warming me again
My love has returned for one more night

Though I've said it a hundred times before
Here I am again opening that door
Seeing those loving memories
Crying for those bending trees once more

Yes here I am opening that door again
Welcoming those loving memories
And crying for those bending trees
Breaking my heart again

A Great Lacking (by Melissa Webb)

I know there is a great lacking of love within me
I also know I shall never receive that love
From taking, but from giving love shall be mine

The love I am lacking is one I must find
From within myself rather than from someone
It is the feeling of giving of myself to another

The feeling of love I have is so abundant
For that reason I have never been able
To completely release and give my love

My love is so great that it rushes out
In what is suppose to be gentle compassion
But is almost always seen as a vicious passion

So when I try to give my love it ends
In hurting me or another and I am
So afraid I will always feel this great lacking

Aches and Pains (by Melissa Webb)

I want to share with you
Not necessarily my aches and pains
But my thoughts and feelings, which
However, may be the same

I have listened to, heard and felt them
So consistently, to their meanings
I am now numb and unaware, therefore
I do need to share with you my aches and pains

I know they are present and necessary
And do not wish for you to make the go away
But to share with me my thoughts and feelings
So as to understand my aches and pains

You see, I must have someone to share
My thoughts and feelings with because
Alone I only feel their aches and pains
and are so very much afraid of them

Memories (by Melissa Webb)

The sweet glances of Life's
Precious moments--happy and sad
Living the past through rose-colored glass

Dwelling on a love once so real and true
Times spent sharing with a friend
In the need to express feelings

During the cherished peers
A great tingle of love, excitement, and
Gratitude flow through our bodies

Bring so much beauty to our
Life's precious moments of the past...
Pity they are not felt in the present

Waters of the Past (by Melissa Webb)

Visions reflecting from the waters of the past
Bringing memorie that never fade away
winters were long and summers fast
Feelings happy, bright, sad and gray

Acquaintances were many, friends few
Love was sincere, but far between
Like the setting sun and morning dew
Relationships are over but forever seen

Knowledge was gained, great and vast
Experience was the key
Life is like a performing cast
And eyes were opened in order to see

Reflecting from the waters of the past

Life is Today (by Melissa Webb)

Life is today
Today is a time of love
Love is free...and real

Sitting in the shade
Of a weeping willow tree
On a hot summer afternoon,
Walking on the beach
With and autumn sunset,
Or running through a field
Of tall grass in the spring
with that special someone
Is not love...but fantasy

Life is today
Today is a time of love
Love is free...and real