"In quietness and in calmness shall be your strength" Isaiah 30:15
I was reading this morning from one of my favorite meditation books, God Calling, about how being calm will build good and at the same time destroy evil. The reading says in the face of difficulty or evil..."always first be still and know that I am God. Then act only as I tell you. Always calm with God. Calm is trust in action. Only trust, perfect trust can keep one calm." It also says to not be afraid of the circumstances that help us cultivate calmness. I know that in my own action(s) I can do nothing, but if I am quiet in stillness I am guided into the right action...fear dissolves and calmness overcomes the storm.
For me..."to be still and know that I am God"...is usally all I need in times of difficulty or fear and it gives me a great feeling of calmness and peace knowing that I am with God, trusting and knowing, that he will give me the right direction.
Today I am grateful to know the strength of quietness and calmness.
God gave me autism
5 years ago