"That was the true light, which enlightens every man coming into the world." (John 1:9)
When I looked up the definition of "light" in Merriam-Webster I saw that it is used as a noun, adjective and verb and it means "something that makes vision possible; spiritual illumination; public information; something that enlightens or informs; a medium (as a window) through which light is admitted; a set of principles, standards or opinions".
As a small child, about four or five, I seemed to have this innate knowledge of what was right and wrong and I was very fearful. I can remember thinking (or perhaps knowing) that someone was watching everything I did, thought and said--as if I were on television. I thought I was fearful of doing, thinking or saying something that was against the knowledge I had of what was right. At this age I knew very little about Jesus except that he loved me; and about the age of eight I had this fear of God. I also know there is false light which is darkness and comes from Satan; however it can only enter if I diminish the true light by seeking my will rather that God's will.
Today I realize that the light of Christ is within each of us, good or bad, and guides us into becoming beacons to help others to find his love, joy and mercy. The light of Christ within us is so powerful that nothing we do can completely extinguish the light--there is always a glimmer... always a hope of finding that inner light we had as small children. I also know today God is loving, forgiving and all merciful.
God gave me autism
5 years ago