"Esteem not thyself better than others, lest perhaps in the sight of God, who knoweth what is in man, thou be accounted worst than they. Be not proud of good works, for the judgments of God are different from the judgments of men, and that often offendeth Him which pleaseth man. If there be any good in thee, believe better things of others, that so thou mayest preserve humility. It doth no hurt to thee to set thyself lower than all men, but it hurteth thee exceedingly if thou set thyself before even one man.Continual peace is with the humble; but in the heart of the proud is envy and frequent indignation." Thomas a Kempis
A dear friend of mine, Petey, gave me this wonderful little book, Imitation of Christ, by Thomas a Kempis, and I find great comfort and peace from the above reading. What I find so comforting is that I can refrain from the temptations of this world to be the best and the brightest of my fellows and,therefore, need not put myself above any other. I can, however, become the best and brightest Light if I allow myself to be humble within His will and try to love, as He does, every soul that I find myself amongst.
Today I am grateful that the greater my humility the greater my peace shall be.
God gave me autism
5 years ago